Economic Funding Solution:
The Solution is in action, I am Proposing it;
Also see up & above in the "TABLE" Window:
The: "Non Int & Int Armed Conflict Solution Protocol",
For the phase by phase application of the peaceful solution generated by the System:
In The Public Servants Charter,
In The Chef of party Charter,
The International Pair Equation:
Due to the International Community Incapacity to generate the necessary "approx. 500 Billions" amount to consolidate the necessary Economic paradigm shift in order to stop the Global Heat Affect, a bold action will be necessary to remediate it's affects and save our Civilizations.
From UN Organization to UN Government permitting a Political Representation of the World's Population, Guarantying the World's & State Economics:
Feed's on Inflation & Public Debt
- Guarantying Public Services & Socials Safety nets & Insurances of all kind
- Budget for Non Int & Int Armed Conflict Nexus Development Investment in Human Security,
- Climate Change Paradigm Shift Transition
- Consolidating the Transition from Predatory State to Welfares State,
- Generating International Public Services
- Balancing the Budget by Itself
- Generating a Guaranteed Minimal Income for the World's Population

The creation of an international government representative and consultative of its population, of the United Nations exercising sovereignty over the extra-planetary international space, for the transfer of the welfare state, without an International Currency would make it possible to e transfer to the International Governance of theplanetthecreditsnecessaryfortheeliminationofthepublicdebtGraduallyand solve the majority of its challenges.
paper on a current human rights topic of your own choosing,
related to international human rights
This Paper is based on my Work Copyright OPI # 15304939, based on the University of Ottawa document format of my PhD project which I believe we do not have time to wait for a Decade before being shared and then activated in order to save lives, but which I still do on my own, which will be modified for academic reasons and have been tested throughout my degree.
NB: this translation is not completely accurate from the original French Document due to the translation capacity of the software and funding.
(Pair Equation)
To demonstrate the need and obligation to reform the United Nations into an international government through a new social contract for the survival of individualism within the state apparatus of the Westphalian state and the state itself in the contemporary world in the present emergency situation at the international level that requires immediate actions and major investments to allow a transition of its modes of operation and life for paradigm shift allowing us to stop surviving to allow us to live and exert a major positive influence in the mutation of our societies or I therefore transcribe my concept of transition from International Governance to decentralized, representative, consultative, proportional, and inclusive international government supporting an international currency and fund the necessary 400 Billion Dollars $ and more for Climate Change Transition Confirmed by UN Climate evaluation report in 2023. This solution Proposition for all, by all and with all would not only permit to fixe the Climate change issue but also most of the United Nations organizations problems as a hole.
International currency that gradually eliminates the effect of regime theory and helps all Systems of State Governance to act rationally by providing access to the necessary funds to its citizens, to the public service institutions of civil society given by the Westphalian contractual state to keep its individuals in our society out of the state of nature in the true transfer into the roots of the original universal justice to protect, help and support its constituents and institutions by opening the door to the fourth dimension long enough for humanity to be able to explore the galaxy through public services of space exploration, give it the means to save itself and find its spirituality and peace to be able to propose its creation and allow not only its existence to improve through the interaction of our societal systems, but what is more to allow its collective participation through electoral systems and international political parties, in which I have propose and request the help of my peers and international, federal, provincial and local governmental institutions by their representative citizens through the lobbyism system since 2021 all the way from the provincial to the international level.
In the paradigm shift exercise, we can notice, still at the international level, that a certain anarchy exists in this world unfortunately by the existence of armed conflicts, wars, famine and several other situations that require Member States to exercise their powers in the establishment of governmental policies that coordinates in the same sense of the Charter of the United Nations and that requires respect for its Component Articles which are not all respect and even deliberately flout in certain circumstances demonstrating a total lack of respect for the international community or even so well the whole of humanity and therefore which demonstrates the need for the Organization to act in these anarchic conflictual spaces governed by an economic system of banking transactions imposing a mode of budgetary management where the different economic currencies confront each other and that unfortunately this Both international and world organization sees itself in a situation of economic dependence which is directly linked to the different capacities of economic expenditure/investment to operate in its system in obsolescence of conflict resolution in lack of funds and dedicate to begging for the good of humanity; which therefore allows the various conflicts to emerge and endure.

The creation of the political space of the international government can emerge by itself only if one or one of its constituents requests it as I have already asked and proposed as it follows, and elaborates its concretization by the entanglement of its constitutive laws that allow citizens to exercise these political actions that are the rights to vote for example or the right to propose it is as a Canadian citizen from Quebec and a government that is an integral part of the United Nations that we must conceive of this part and from the perspective of the challenges of climate change that we are already beginning to feel the effects and all the other factors of the international situation that allows us to observe this dimension of Canadian laws and to place them in relation to international laws and treat them, including the Charter of Human Rights of the United Nations treats it with NATO to understand the epistemological link that allows us to go to the United Nations and allow the realization of this much-needed initiative through our rights to participation in the political space in the right to the realization of its political person and the creation of a political party in a dimension of participatory political space open to citizens both in the local, provincial, national and international levels. (Canadian Constitution Act, 1982, PART I, Divisions 3 to 15);
Fortunately, our democratically elected government in the erection of its positive laws allows us to evoke the right to its help "which I evoke and whose application I ask for "to reduce the obstacles to the electoral process through the legal relations of the spirit of these laws in the idea of facilitating the task for everyone to improve the system and therefore our own fate by a better participation in the right to self-determination. (STATUTESOFCANADA,CHAPTER 31, BILL C-76, 2018, pp.2)
It is therefore in an international and global perspective of consultative capacity of voters that we can evoke the capacity of the consultation of the general will of the planet to live free, to give its opinion, to modify the said systems to improve the different aspects of their lives and to allow themselves to realize themselves as a person,butalsotoexerciseparticipationinboththelocalandinternationalpolitical space and evoke an elective majority allowing an international electoral space as a political person. (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, pp.1). (Dealing with the North Atlantic, 1949, ARTICLE 4 – 5)
I proposed this as a Registered Lobbyists by offering my services as a policy advisor to the government’s cabinets of Canada, Quebec’s, Ontario’s, representatives of the United Nations in Canada, representatives of NATO in Canada, Embassy of the European Union, France and the United States in Canada. Please help me go further all the way to the United Nation Secretary-General.
For my daughter whom I have never known, my family in all its complexity, my country,
my planet and all its inhabitants including future extra-planetary civilizations.

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