UN SC Deadlock:
The Solution is in action, I am Proposing it,
Also see up & above in the "TABLE" Window:
The: "Non Int & Int Armed Conflict Solution Protocol",
For the phase by phase application of the peaceful solution generated by the System.
The Public Servants Charter,
The Chef of party Charter,

Charter of the United Nations (full version)
- "Chapter I: Aims and Principles
Article 1
The goals of the United Nations are to:
- To achieve international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, intellectual or humanitarian character, in developing and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion;"
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
- "Article 16
Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere of his legal personality."
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Article 6 Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere of his or her legal personality.
- Which has been modified since my lobbying actions.
Which in the present, correct me if I’m wrong; if I am right, technically making me the one of the first if not the first citizen of the International Government of the United Nations by the Universality of the court epistemological relation from this Regional to the National, to the International.
Space exploration could complement these solutions by offering new resources and supporting a global economic system. Indeed, the exploitation of extraterrestrial resources, such as those of asteroids or the Moon, would reduce the pressure on terrestrial resources and create new industries regulated by a world government. This approach could also support the creation of an international currency to finance long-term space exploration projects, ensuring equitable distribution of benefits and promoting sustainable development. Thus, by combining Malthus' and Homer-Dixon's theories on resource management, Keynes, Mundell's, and Friedman's economic ideas on a stable monetary system, and space exploration, a world government could offer innovative and equitable solutions to current crises and pave the way for an interplanetary future.
Please note that these actions are not supported by my Government, neither political institutions nor its Military as I am a Commissioned Reservist Officer of the Navy and former Infantry (now in training), nor have they been informed of this action taken from my own free will and where I am offering you my services.

Resignation Letter FSS3295 UN Model & Shared documents
Dear Doctors, Professors and Distinguished Persons,
staff of the Ontario Higher Education System,
I am writing to you especially today to unfortunately inform you of my resignation to the Course of "FSS3295 A00 Model United Nations [LEC] 20251 - 1272025 - 632 A", which in itself, my participation and acceptance was a dream come true. I had signed up for the September session and where I found myself participating in the selection of January due to openings probably engendered by abandonment or any other reason beyond my control. It should be noted that if ever by any miracle, it would be possible for me to postpone this participation to next September, it would be my great pleasure to do so and to continue in this direction in a professional manner and in the respect of protocol and ethics for the proper functioning of the system and its regulations.
Therefore, it is with all my respect that I share these with you and in order to bring to your enlightenment and distinct capacity for discernment within the framework of your respective functions and trainings, I share with you all my constitutive documents of my proposed solution, which allows you to generate the maneuvers that allow you to reach the tools and resources both monetary and humanitarian necessary for the realization of the relief plans, services and others. The which is as close as we all have as a system transition for Conflict resolution and is why I am bringing it all to your enlightenment in order to make sure it is not used as a weapon and be processed in the system of collegiality that you are a part of and process it and be corrected.
Following the present situation in development at the international level and more particularly in the Security Council of the United Nations which is experiencing a Political Deadlock comparable to a Constitutional Crisis in the use of the constituent mechanisms of the organization to generate a situation to their advantage or the increased risk of conflicts related to the environment of Climate Change which exacerbates inter-State tensions, especially in vulnerable countries where resources are already scarce and poorly distributed. In times of scarcity, resources become objects of rivalry and conflict. Climate change, by aggravating these shortages, could fuel more wars for access to vital resources.
It is therefore clear that, in the face of the climate emergency, access to natural resources could indeed become a major factor in conflict. The debate, however, is not only economic; It also touches on issues of global governance, social justice and international cooperation to avoid an escalation of conflicts, natural resources can indeed be triggers for war, particularly because of economic incentives and weak institutions. Poverty alone does not directly create wars or terrorism, but it amplifies the effects of resource-related conflicts. Between grievance and greed, conflicts motivated by the search for wealth seem to be more frequent and long-lasting. Finally, in the era of climate change, natural resources remain a privileged terrain of tension, and it is crucial to consider them in the context of modern conflicts.
Or, current global challenges, such as population growth, natural resource depletion, geopolitical tensions, and climate change, require a globally coordinated response. Thomas Malthus, in his Essay on the Principle of Population (1798), highlights the imbalance between exponential population growth and arithmetic growth of natural resources, suggesting that global policies are needed to manage these tensions. Thomas Homer-Dixon, in The Upside of Down (2006), explores the impact of resource shortages and climate change on geopolitical conflicts, calling for global governance to manage these crises. Economists such as John Maynard Keynes, Robert Mundell, and Milton Friedman, on the other hand, supported the idea of a stable international monetary system to ensure global economic cooperation. Keynes, in particular, advocated a regulated monetary system at the Bretton Woods conference in 1944, to avoid competitive devaluations, while Mundell and Friedman emphasized the need for a stable international currency to promote economic exchanges.
Where the United Nation transition Organization into an international government representative and consultative of its population, exercising sovereignty over the extra planetary international space, allowing the transfer of the welfare state, in an international currency, would make it possible to transfer to the International Governance of the planet the necessary credits for the elimination of public debt gradually and to solve the majority of its challenges. Whereas, as a consultation system in NATO's treaty of Article four (4) and five (5) in regards of consultation, we have a reflection of the General will of the International population to live free by representation and participation that reflects more than 1.7 Billion Souls and approximately, 8 billions living on this planet.
For Climate Change, from the United Nations to an international government, representative and consultative of the world's population, exercising sovereignty over the international and extra-planetary space that allows the welfare state through the transfer of subsidies and the creation of an international currency necessary for the International Governance of the planet for the gradual elimination of public debt and the resolution of the majority of its challenges. NB: Note that the goal is to secure the economy through an international peer-equation and not to give the full powers of this Leviathan.
- Transition from the United Nations to an international government, allowing the governments of this world to maneuver more economic margins for Climate Change. (CIPO: 1187222)
- Public Services Charter. (CIPO: 12282891)
- Charter of political parties, allowing for the participation of all parties and detailing operating protocols and constitutional principles. (CIPO: 12282891)
- Protocol for the Creation of the System of Collegiates (CIPO: 1230015)
- Policy brief December, 19, 2024 (CIPO: 1228812)
New procedural option in the international armed conflict Russo Ukrainian
(Ukrainian Genocide copy from the original ICTY plans)
Acknowledgment by: M. Richer Prime Minister's Executive Correspondence Officer
Now accept at the second stage of the RCMP hiring process
Thanking you for your time,
Respectfully yours,
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