Services Offered: (Risk Management)
Political Adviser & Legal Expert in:
Conflicts Studies & Human Rights, Politics
International & National Politics
War crimes,
Crimes against Humanity,
Crimes of aggression,
1st Bachelor degree,
Social Sciences Studies in Social Movement
International & National Politics
Human Rights Specialist & Legal Expert:
2nd Bachelor degree,
In Conflicts Studies and Human Rights (4th year on pause)
Specialized in :
War crimes,
Crimes against Humanity,
Crimes of aggression,
- Transition from the United Nations to an international government, allowing the governments of this world to maneuver more economic margins for Climate Change. (CIPO: 1187222)
- Public Services Charter. (CIPO: 12282891)
- Charter of political parties, allowing for the participation of all parties and detailing operating protocols and constitutional principles. (CIPO: 12282891)
- Protocol for the Creation of the System of Collegiality (CIPO: 1230015)
- DIP's System's Inscription Protocol's Enablement and empowerment of it s Constituent's (NB: TO BE CORRECTED) OPIC # 1230480
- Miranda for 911 mobile apps, including the digital passport, which is offered to the federal and provincial governments. (Within: CIPO: 15304939)
- Policy brief December, 19, 2024 (CIPO: 1228812)
New procedural option in the international armed conflict Russo Ukrainian
(Ukrainian Genocide copy from the original ICTY plans)
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Respectfully yours,
2nd Bachelor's degree in Conflict Studies and Humanitarian Rights
(4th and last year on pause)
- Global Hierarchy and Conflict (ongoing)
- Conflicts Close to Peace Middle East (ongoing)
- Democracy Challenge Home Affairs (ongoing)
- Security and development (ongoing)
- Current Issues in International Humanitarian Law
- War and Security: History
- Anthropology of Africa
- Introduction to Macroeconomics
- Introduction to Microeconomics
- Conflicts and rights
- Theories of Conflict
- History of Criminological Knowledge
- Introduction to Development Economics
- Technology in society approx. Since 1850
- Intro International Human Rights Law
- Elements of sociology
B.A. in Social Sciences, Social Movement Studies, Specialization in Political Science:
- Business Management
- Criminology
- Macroeconomics
- Microeconomics
- Public Sector Management
- International Political Economy
- Foundations of Political Science Research
- Qualitative and quantitative analysis in political science
- Canadian Politics
- Electoral systems
- Social movements and the politics of globalization
- International relations and world politics
- Migration, mobility, borders and citizenship
- International organizations and global governance
- Politics and international politics
- Political violence
- Contemporary geopolitics
- Security Policy
- Democratization and authoritarianism
- Comparative Politics: China
- Comparative Politics: Middle East and Arab World
Technical skills:
MS Office: Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Statistics: STATA
Web and Mobile Development (CDI College – Microsoft): Graduate
- Programming Logic & Design, Fundamentals of Programming - C#
- Web Development with HTML5 and CSS, ASP.NET Development
- JavaScript, Dynamic Web Development with JQuery
- Object-Oriented Programming with Java and SQL
- Linux OS, PHP & MYSQL Programming, Python Development
- Advanced Web Technologies, Mobile Web Development with AWS
- Android App Development
- IOS Development with Swift
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
Copyright: 1228812
Policy brief December, 19, 2024
New procedural option in the Russian-Ukrainian international armed conflict
This paper aims to provide a summary of research evidence on best practices and policy options to address an advocacy issue, with a view to developing a specific action plan. The aim is to provide balanced information, enabling an informed decision to be made, in order to raise awareness, advise and encourage a review of the approach to the International Criminal Court (ICC). By analyzing the situation in Ukraine, particularly since its independence in 1991 and the signing of the Budapest Memorandum in 1994, the document highlights the war of attrition that Ukraine is facing, a war whose existential dimension must be recognized in order to encourage a change in the international approach that Russia seems to have modelled its action plan on the genocide executed in Yugoslavia in the case of the ICTY, (Kirstic, Popovoic, Tolimil 2001-04, 2015-16-17).
I propose to submit a request for the creation of a Permanent Hybrid International Criminal Court (ICTY-ICTR), initiated by a member country or by the United Nations General Assembly, to circumvent the Security Council's blockages. This approach would bring together the factual data collected through the investigation and issuance of arrest warrants, as well as the developing facts of the situation on the ground has all the hallmarks of genocide, sexual crimes, crimes against humanity and war. Article 28 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court allows for the prosecution of military commanders and other superiors, in addition to the other grounds of criminal responsibility provided for in the Rome Statute for crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court. Finally, Article 33 links the hierarchical order to the order of the law, which stipulates that "an act committed on the order of a government or a superior, whether military or civilian, does not exonerate the person who carried it out from criminal responsibility". Read the Rome Statute.
Copyright: 1228291:
The International Constituted Government's Public Servants
The public servants are an integrated part of the Social Contract as an institution for the Government to Govern the Regime and erect public policies as a welfare state to provide public services to its populations and are a most important mechanism part of the management system, all the way from the local administration to the regional administration, to the national administration, to the international administration, to the extra planetary administration's system in regards of their jurisdictions as explained deeper in the original document explaining the need for United Nations Organization transition into an International Decentralized Government, foremost because of their Qualifications emanating from its Constitution which rules their obligations and actions that are required from them, being directly transferred from the realm of nature itself to the social contract's constitution to the regime administration to the positive laws & policies to the different divisions of management to its servants & services enabled by their Certification, Diploma, Formation Commission and Oath and on, to act on all the different situations.
The public services offered and generated permits not only the State management System of the Regime's reconstruction but also the needed services corps of embodiment institutions to give and exercise the different public services to keep the system standing in the line of morality towards its constituents as a welfare state for it to be able to offer a certain average of quality services to all and that all would accept. Where the new Leviathan permitting the political representation with its constituent's constant participation through consultations over the world's economic exchange system.
Copyright: 1228289 (not shared with the cabinet)
This document is composed of several documents to constitute the Constitutive Charter of the "Democratic International Party", which explains the functioning of the International Political Party, which allows all National Political Parties to participate in the electoral joust of the United Nations International Government Decentralization which allows in its transfer of subsidies, the appearance of its International currency called Credit which allows to eliminate the public debt from their countries. The Constitutional Council of the United Nations Courts of Human Rights (ICC) demonstrates the legal epistemological link that allows a citizen to depose for the registration of a political party based on the principle of the universality of the Court of Human Rights in representation of international law through its direct link with the status of Rome, the Charter of Human Rights that constitutes the United Nations Organization and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that composes its verdicts and accusation against Individuals, or hereby said request for deposition of registration of the international political party must be accepted by the higher international authorities.
This document can also serve as an international class action on behalf of the entire population of this planet against the government's inaction to file this request that allows them to resolve the economic equitation of paradigmatic transition necessary due to climate change where the twenty-nine meetings of the COP have struggled to raise more than one percent of the amount needed to exercise the transition and save our planet. But also and even more important in terms of time and in reaction to the inaction on murders, war crimes, aggression, human rights and more particularly genocide currently underway vis, the obligation to act to stop and prevent the Geneva Convention and the Genocide Convention where this document allows to respond to the situation in a defensive way in a legal and protocol process.
Copyright: 1187222
Communication System for Security and Public Health Services
(911-MP-UN and on):
Problem-solving situations is the monitoring of citizens on probation by their parole officer, the reaction of time to different situations by analyzing the historical court database past and present through the neural network generating algorithm providing system models for a more efficient use of the various public services offered. Pandemic Crisis, Crises/Opioid Drugs, Worldwide Migrant Crises with National and International Biometric Citizenship and Medical Passport in the present situation of constant migration of humanitarian crisis with the possibility of naturalization of citizens denaturalized by the creation of international citizens of refugee camps by the United Nations in relation to participating countries, Response of the 911 police (Civilian and Military) to citizens, but also to offenders through the assistance of Artificial Intelligence which offers solutions to First Responders using the service after analysis of the situation, Citizens, Parole (allowing them to be released earlier or not and to be supervised more effectively and longer or not)
DIP's System's Inscription Protocol's Enablement and empowerment of it s Constituent's (NB: TO BE CORRECTED) OPIC # 1230480
Democratic International Party System's (DIP):
The Inscription Protocol's Enablement and Empowerment of its Constituent's participation's:
From its Constituent's in the National Electoral Space to the International Space of Elections in Representation of their Constituents through the International Electoral Space System as proposed here:
To the honorable Prime Minister of Canada
Good Morning Sir,
I was wondering if you had prepared something for your retirement from politics and that maybe, you would be interested in a second Political Life in the next level of Electoral Politic Arena? The Governmental System exists, the Electoral system is to be improved, the gathering reassembling of the Parties is to be exercised, the Parties are to be signed up into the National arena before transfer to the International Arena be possible by linking it to the UN Political Organ, I already have created the Government, the Public Services Charter, The political platform, some Protocols, which you might want to take note of. As a Citizen that demand's it and proposes it on behalf of 8 Billions of humans on this planet, that have the right to be exercised, I am presently am acting as all of its components, as Chef of the Party, as Wip of the Party, I have a First President and Admin, to propose/nominate a specially in the present situation. I believe you would thrive, surfing on this wave securing the world's economics while bringing to life this Ultimate Leviathan that permits the Internalization of all Externalities that balances the national budgets and apply a Nexus of defense & Investments on a scale never seen before, giving the International community the necessary margin maneuver to exercise its sovereignty properly in a system that can always be improved in the paradigm shift of the consolidation of the Welfare State.
The Democratic International Party (DIP)
The DIP is the space that includes all International Parties in the United Nations “UN”, no
matter what they are, generating the International Political Arena; it is the Arena, the space where
you can register your National Party into an International Party in the UN through the Regional linked of the Universality administration of political parties registration in the Fiscal dimension and Universal judicial epistemic path, all the way from its Regional area to CPI.
Note that the System's Economics Trinity guaranties the Subsidies transfer to enable its proper functioning, where I am ready and standing by to initiate it's motion in order to permit it's erection in this material world.
All International Parties transition from all the National and Regional Parties of this
World to Register their parties into the Democratic International Party's (DIP) Admin division as an Organ of the UN (DNC, EU, UK, etc...). Save this Planet in the Motion where the obligation to act on Genocidal, War Crimes,
dominos Chain reaction to come could be countered by the use of a “RICO Act “& Climate Change
lack of funding, famine & Housing crises, poverty while defending the free arbiter of the mind to
chose & justice for all.
Hoping you will consider the present offer,
Thanking you for taking your precious time to take note of this:
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