The International Currency, by the Political representation over the International Banking System, separated by the Jurisdiction of the State Sovereignty.

Article 2(4)
4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.

Also see up & above in the "TABLE" Window:

The: "Non Int & Int Armed Conflict Solution Protocol",

For the phase by phase application of the peaceful solution  generated by the System.

The Public Servants Charter,

The Chef of party  Charter,


as the

The Solution is in action, I am Proposing it;


Table of Contents:

1: DIP’s System’s Inscription Protocol  Overall Information

2: The International Constituted Government’s Public Servants .Doc

3: Charter of the Party Leader of the Democratic International Party .Doc

4: DIP’s System’s Inscription Protocol ( The Party Wip ) .Doc

4. 1: Protocol of the Co-legality System


1: DIP’s System’s Inscription Protocol 

Enablement and empowerment of it's Constituent’s:

from the Local Space

to the National Space

to the International Space

Generating the necessary Economic Margin maneuver for the State to function properly 

OPIC # 1230480


A Second life in International Politics exists Sir/Ma'am,

Welcome to the Next Level


Democratic International Party System’s (DIP):

The Inscription Protocol’s Enablement and Empowerment of its Constituent’s participation’s:


From its Constituent’s in the National Electoral Space to the International Space of Elections in Representation of their Constituents through the International Electoral Space System as proposed here:


Good Morning Sir/Ma'am,


I was wondering if you had prepared something for your retirement from politics and that maybe, you would be interested in a second Political Life in the next level of Electoral Politic Arena? The Governmental System exist, the Electoral system is to be ameliorated, the gathering reassembling of the Parties is to be exercised, the Parties are to be signed up into the National arena before transfer to the International Arena be possible by linking it to the UN Political Organ, I already have created the Government, the Public Services Charter, The political platform, some Protocols, which you might want to take note of. As a Citizen that demand’s it and proposes it on behalf of 8 Billions of humans on this planet, that have the right to be exercised, I am presently am acting as all of its components, as Chef of the Party, as Wip of the Party, I have a First President and Admin, to propose/nominate a specially in the present situation. I believe you would thrive, surfing on this wave securing the world’s economics while bringing to life this Ultimate Leviathan that permits the Internalization of all Externalities that balances the national budgets and apply a Nexus of defense & Investments on a scale never seen before, giving the International community the necessary margin maneuver to exercise its sovereignty properly in a system that can always be improved in the paradigm shift of the consolidation of the Welfare State.


NB: The DIP is the space that includes all International Parties in the United Nations “UN”, no matter what they are, generating the International Political Arena; it is the Arena, the space where you can register your National Party into an International Party in the UN, where you could be the Chef of the International Liberal Party, where as the Wip of the DIP, you could gather all Democratic International Parties in an Invitation to all the National and Regional Parties of this World to Register their parties into the DIP’s Admin division as an Organ of the UN (DNC, EU, UK, etc…). Save this Planet in the Motion where the obligation to act on Genocidal, War Crimes, dominos Chain reaction to come could be countered by the use of a “RICO Act “& Climate Change lack of funding, famine & Housing crises, poverty while defending the free arbiter of the mind to chose & justice for all.


Hoping you will consider the present offer,

Thanking you for taking your precious time to take note of this:


Your participation is Solicitaded Sir.



Table of Content

  1. Front Page………………………………………………………….........................................................................................................................P-1
  2. Preamble………………………………………………………...............................................................................................................................P-2
  3. Table of Contents…………………………………………………......................................................................................................................P-3
  4. The DIP’s System’s Inscription Resources Required...................................................................................................................P-4
  5. The departmental enumeration list & Intent………………………...................................................................................................P-5
  6. Steps to register the Democratic International Party From Election Canada to UN…………………………………….P-6-7
  1. Conclusion………………………………………………………….........................................................................................................................P-8

Democratic International Party (DIP),

The DIP’s Inscription System,  Resources Required:


Human, Logistic, Monetary & Access Resources required:


  • Renseignements de base:
  • nom,
  • l’adresse du bureau
  • le logo (s’il y en a un) du parti;
  • une résolution de la nomination du chef adoptée par le parti;
  • une déclaration signée par le chef,
    • selon laquelle l’un des principaux objectifs du parti est:
      • de participer aux affaires Publiques;
      • en appuyant l’élection de ses membres;
    • les noms et adresses de trois dirigeants,
    • du vérificateur
    • de l’agent principal du parti,
    • ainsi queleur déclaration d’acceptation de la charge;
    • les noms,
    • addresses,
    • déclarations signées d’au moins 250 électeurs membres du parti;
    • la politique du parti sur la protection des renseignements personnels.


The departmental enumeration list & Intent:


Inform & Solicitate the present planed protocol of actions & explain to the Head department of the ongoing civic action of one of the first, if not the first Citizen of the Decentralized International Government (DIG) & ask for their participation in Anny kind of way and supervision of its manifestation in the electoral political system.


  1. Solicitate a Meeting with head’s of department, Of the Universe of the City, In the different fields in relation with the subject:
  2. Rector of the University:
  3. Department of International Law of University,
  4. Department of Criminology of University,
  5. Department of Social Science of Politics of University,
  6. Department of Public Policies of Universit,
  7. Department of International Relations of University,
  8. Department of Conflict Studies & Humaine Rights of University,
  9. Department of Anthropologies of University,
  10. Department of Economics of University,
  11. Department of Developpement of University,
  12. And other’s if forgotten and necessary of University,
  13. Link Universities from the Respected Region and Provinces,
  14. Letter to Prime Minister’s of Canada & Québec & University Department’s,


Solicitate & Explain the intention to “Link the National Democratic Parties and all other parties to the DIP”, permitting access to the international dimension of electoral politics, Internalizing externalities of the International Dimension of the Space of Nature as the texture of the Divine into the material world by generating its administration in the Proposed Leviathan’s Social Contract’s Constitution from the United Nation’s Organization Origin’s.


  1. Link the National Democratic Parties of the Planet to the DIP through the UN.

(After the correction of the overall System and proposal)

Steps to register the Democratic International Party from Election Canada to UN:

Creating a political party in Canada involves several steps, as it is regulated by federal and provincial laws. I'll walk you through the general process at the federal level, but some steps may differ slightly depending on the province.

Step-by-Step Process to Legally Create a Political Party in Canada

  1. Understand the Legal Requirements


  1. Choose a Party Name: (Already chosen: “DIP”)
  2. Form a Party Organization
  3. Register the Political Party
  4. Comply with Financial Regulation
  5. Nominate Candidates for Elect
  6. Follow Ongoing Requirements
  7. Running in Elections


Creating an international political movement or influencing global governance through the United Nations (UN) or other international frameworks is a highly complex and nuanced endeavor. Your outlined steps are already comprehensive, but to provide more actionable protocols, let's break down and add greater detail to each of the steps. The goal is to craft a clear, implementable strategy with specific action items and guidelines for your movement.


  1. Clarify Your Vision and Goals
  2. Establish International Legal Status and Framewor
  3. Create a Global Membership 
  4. Mobilize and Raise Awareness
  5. Engage with the United Nations System
  6. Fundraise and Manage Resources
  7. Influence International Decision-Making
  8. Long-Term Strategy for Political Influence


While creating a global movement for political influence via the UN is challenging, it is achievable with structured planning, strategic advocacy, and grassroots engagement. By leveraging the UN’s existing channels for NGO participation, forming international partnerships, and carefully managing resources, your movement can create a lasting impact on global governance.


Find and Enable the Wip of the Party, in order to link all democratic parties, representants & constituents in addition with the Civiles Societies Constituent’s Group’s as like for example the working Syndical representation and Entrepreneurial dimension of the public & private space within the State to the DIP demonstrating the manifestation of the will of the peoples of the free world to participate in the International Electoral Arena Enabling the presence of the opposition’s parties in the Resonance chambers of representations as previously explained in the documents of constituency of the Democratic International Government document’s of Constituency protected by OPIC#:


  • Protocole de creation du system de colegialitee du parti politique International de par ma perssonne politique au travers de ma perssonne juridique qui permettant l’erection des commissions du perssonnels des Services Publiques du GID. (22, janv, 2025 OPIC 1230015)


  • La creation d’un Gouvernement International et Consultatif de sa Population des Nations Unies exrecant (…) de la planete les credits necessaries pour l’elimination de la dette publique graduellement et en regler la majorite de ses defis: (14,oct, 2021 OPIC 1187222)


  • Democratic International Party : (19, nov, 2024 OPIC 1228291)


  • The International Constituted Government’s Public Servants: (19 nov, 2024 OPIC 1228289)


  • DIP’s System’s Inscription Protocol’s: (5 fev, 2025 OPIC 1230480 )


  • Democratic International Party System’s Inscription Protocol Enablement and Empowerment of its Constituent’s participation’s Constituent’s in their National Electoral Space to the International Space of Elections in the Representation of their Constituents through the International Electoral SPACE System as proposed here:

(5, fev, 2025: #1230480)



Find and Get the Party Wip to promote & find funding to enable the beginning of the political maneuvers:

  • Link the National Democratic Parties of the Planet to the DIP through the UN.

(After the correction of the overall System and proposal)

  • Find and Enable the Administration of the DIP, in order to process the Collegiality representants decisions, recommendations and all other protocols confirmed by them as explained in the protected protocols.


The Faith of this world is NOW in “your Hands

Your participation is Solicitaded Sir,


Hoping you will consider the present offer,

Thanking you for taking your precious time to take note of this.

2: The International Constituted Government’s Public Servants.doc

3: Charter of the Party Leader of the Democratic International Party.doc

4: DIP’s System’s Inscription Protocol

( The Party Wip ).doc

The Democratic International Party (DIP)


The DIP is the space that includes all International Parties in the United Nation “UN” transition from into,  no matter what they are, generating the International Political Arena; it is the Arena, the space where
you can register your National Party into an International Party in the "UN Political Organ" through the Regional linked of the Universality administration of political parties registration in the Fiscal dimension and Universal judicial epistemic path, all the way from its Regional area to CPI.

Note that the System's Economics Trinity guaranties the Subsidies transfer to enable its proper functioning, where I am ready and standing by to initiate it's motion in order to permit it's erection in this material world. 

All International Parties transition from all the National and Regional Parties of this
World to Register their parties into the Democratic International Party's (DIP) Admin division as an Organ of the UN (DNC, EU, UK, etc...). Save this Planet in the Motion where the obligation to act on Genocidal, War Crimes,
dominos Chain reaction to come could be countered by the use of a “RICO Act “& Climate Change
lack of funding, famine & Housing crises, poverty while defending the free arbiter of the mind to
chose & justice for all.

Hoping you will consider the present offer,
Thanking you for taking your precious time to take note of this:

Your participation is Solicited








Guy Janelle



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